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    The first pill proven to combat wrinkles

    Evelle stimulates biological processes of importance to skin ageing and it has been proven that it blocks wrinkles. In a published study conducted by German scientists, women who used Evelle for 12 weeks had significantly smoother skin, and their skin elasticity had also increased compared with the placebo group.


    • A unique formulation providing all the micro-nutrients the skin needs
    • Supports collagen renewal and skin lightening
    • For skin, hair and nail health
    • Powerful antioxidants which protect the skin from ageing and free radicals
    • Clinically proven to enhance skin elasticity
    • Clinically proven to provide smoother skin
    • Significantly prevents and reverses signs of skin ageing
    (Sources: J Dermatolog Treat. 2004 Jul;15(4):222-6.,
    Ni et al., Phytother Res 16: 567-571, 2002)